Monday, September 27, 2010

A Day in My Life

Last week I was supposed to see a new doctor to follow up on my appointment in August.  Somehow though, I was rescheduled to see the Physician's Assistant that our whole family sees.  There is something to be said for having someone that knows all about you.  As I explained to him that the last doctor told me to exercise 30 minutes a day, he smirked and asked "When?"  That was my thought.  I would love to exercise 30 minutes a day, but am having trouble figuring out the when.  And this is why:

5 am Wake up.  Most often one of the boys or both will also wake up right at 5.  Then I make breakfast for Dana, make coffee, and pack Dana's and Kaia's lunches.  Also during this time I'm usually changing diapers and giving the boys milk and crackers.  Kaia gets up right around the time Dana is leaving, and I try to get Morgan up then as well.  I get showered, dressed, and ready for work.  Hopefully by 7:30 am we are all piling into the Suburban.

I take Kaia to the child care at her school.  All 5 of us walk in, drop off Kaia, and the 3 boys and I head back out.  Then we do the 20 minute drive to Grammy and Papa's where I drop the boys off and I hopefully am at work by 8:30.

Once at work, I sink into my chair in my calming green office, and dig into work.  My work varies day to day.  Right now, it is campaign heavy, in the spring it will be community investment heavy.  Today, I'll be in Ellensburg for a Statewide Combined Federal Campaign meeting.  Before I leave I need to send off my charity listing info to the printer, and run reports for the audit.

Work is over at 5, and I usually head by the grocery store, or stop to buy fuel on my way out to get the boys.  We arrive home somewhere between 6 and 6:45.  I give the boys bottles while I make dinner, look through the mail, and listen to Kaia's day at school (or break up the fights between her and Morgan).  After we eat dinner, the twins go to bed, and it's time for the older 2 to get ready for bed.

Dana and the older 2 usually go to bed about the same time, and I follow around 9:30 or 10.  Occasionally I feel adventurous and I try to watch a show that comes on at 10 like the Mentalist.  It works for a few minutes, but I'm usually asleep on the couch by the first or second commercial.  If I'm lucky, I'll get to sleep all night long, if not I'll be up at least once or twice before 5 am.

Maybe you see an opening for exercise?  I think my best bet is to use my lunch break.  For now, I can go on walks outside, but come winter, that isn't an option.  That's when some sort of gym membership or class is going to be helpful, but anything close by is expensive! 


Anonymous said...

I don't see 5 minutes anywhere, but it sure looks like you're already getting exercise!

Michelle said...

maybe you could benchpress the boys? BEFORE their bottles. hahahaha :)

Anonymous said...

You know I used to have a coworker who would use her lunchbreak to rollerblade around the parking lot. But don't do that.
You could find some time in your day to check out regretsy's latest facebook post about the hate mail they get...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I don't see an opening in your daily schedule for exercise either.
Walking at lunch is a good thing.
Maybe walking in place would work in the winter months.

Anonymous said...

Many people go to the mall to walk around and get exercise during their lunch breaks...whether its 5 minutes or 30min at least u gave it a try

Anonymous said...

My hubby finds that lunch time is what really works for him.

You could jog in place while doing dinner, or working at your desk, HA HA!

j said...

Not getting exercise? I'm exhausted just reading about your day! I think the time is coming when you will be able to work it all in.