Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter anda Birthday

This post has been delayed while I try to retrieve photos.  I've sent them to my pc twice, and still don't have them!  So photos will come soon.
We did it!  We pulled off an Easter Sunday, Easter celebrations and Birthday Party all in one very crazy day!
First a photo of the actual Birthday.  He loved his gift, as he no longer has to use sissy's pink DS to play games.

Easter Sunday started like they always do.  Me tearing through the church parking lot because we are 5 minutes late to Sunrise Service that starts at 7:15 a.m. under the picnic shelter.  After the beautiful service (with nice weather for once) we had a yummy breakfast served by the Elders and Deacons, and I gathered the kids for a photo.

We all met up after church at our home.  We had a wonderful ham dinner, with lots of fruit salad, green salad, and of course deviled eggs.  The birthday party included an egg hunt.  Anna is just the right age to understand this concept, Brendon was following her lead, but still only picked up a few eggs.  Bry couldn't understand why we picked them up at all.

There were lots of gifts.

And a monster truck cake.  I watched Katie Brown Workshop late one night, and saw her bundt cake idea, and converted it to a chocolate mountain.  Her frosting tip was to add flour to store bought frosting, then microwave 45 seconds.  I actually microwaved longer to produce a chocolate coating.  I don't care for cake or chocolate, but I admit this was pretty good.

After the party we had a blast throwing the Boing Putty all over the place.  It really was a great day!


Anonymous said...

That was a wonderful day, wasn't it? I am so lucky to have my kids and grandkids living in the same town.
Great job Super Tysa.
Grandma Owie

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Sounds like a wonderful time!
cant wait for the pics!