Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We Made It!

We arrived home at about 6 p.m. on Tuesday evening. It was a long and uncomfortable drive for both of us! It was so good to be back home in our air conditioned home, sleeping in our own comfy bed, listening to the quiet that is our suburban life (instead of the noise of a busy Seattle hospital's emergency entrance).

Thank you so much to all of you that prayed for Dana's surgery to go well. Thank you for the prayers for our safe travel. A big thank you to our families that helped us so much. Thanks for watching the kids, for feeding the dogs, and for giving us money to help cover the expenses. THANK YOU!

And now, by special request, Dana's eye. His left eye is the one that had full surgery, including the retinal detachment and now a gas bubble. His right eye had some laser work, so it's a bit more red than usual, but looks ok. The left eye is not pretty, so consider yourself warned. The kids call it his icky eye. I say it looks like a blue circle in a see of red.

I hope to visit some blogs this week. I'm also going to work on a new blog reader, just as soon as I have time!


Anonymous said...

You know, I have eye issues myself, and I can't bear to look at that. Sorry, TJ, but I'd much rather be pregnant than to have that. I think Dana wins.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Ouch! Be better soon!

Carla said...

Yuck! I'm NOT sharing this photo with my hubby who will be seeing an eye specialist next week:) Hoping your sweetie heals fast:) (yuck)

j said...

His POOOOOOOOOOR eye. I hope that he is much better this week.