Thursday, March 12, 2009

Faux Twice Baked Potatoes

The other evening, I wanted to make twice baked potatoes for a side dish. I had everything needed, but when I pulled out my potatoes, they didn't look very nice anymore. The dish sounded so good though, so I improvised.

  • Potatoes
  • Sour Cream
  • Cooked Bacon
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Salt and Pepper
Peel and cut potatoes. Cook in boiling water until soft. Drain the water, and mash the potatoes. Add sour cream until the potatoes have more of a mashed potatoes consistency. Taste test to make sure you have enough for flavor. Then add crumbled bacon and shredded cheese (you can also add sliced olives). Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix together and heat on low to allow the cheese to melt and the flavors to blend.

These were quicker and easier than twice baked potatoes. They had all the flavor, and made good use of some less than pretty potatoes.


Shauna said...

YUMMY!!! Now I am hungry :)

Art said...

That sounds good. Especially for those spuds that are a bit past their prime.

Kelli said...

I'm going to remember this trick...I love mashed potatoes! I hope you are having a great weekend!