Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Another Gourmet Meal

While I do enjoy cooking, many nights it just isn't a big priority. By the time I get home, especially if I have to make any stops, it is dinner time. If we are doing anything outside, it means dinner is usually served about bedtime. That means anything goes for dinner.

Tonight I had to stop at the store for more ibuprofen (children's and adult's) and then while picking up the kids I loaded up some yard sale stuff in my trunk. So we didn't arrive home until at least 6:15 p.m. Then Dana was fixing my quad, and we stayed outside. Mo was getting fussy and I knew it was time to feed him. I went in to fix dinner for us all, but quickly became overwhelmed by the mess. I decided rather than add to it, I'd fix something quick for the kids. Hot dogs, green beans and an apple. Except that the fresh apple that came in my too big lunch today (I usually pack it, but was meeting with Allied Arts to discuss my becoming a board member) was sitting in the office fridge. So I substituted canned pineapple. The kids rebelled against the green beans, so dinner for them was pineapple and hot dogs. Now for them that was just about the top of the list for an awesome dinner. (Kaia choosing crab or fresh caught trout as her tops)

When Dana was just about finished I got his meal ready. A frozen burrito that I microwaved, then fried in just a tiny bit of oil. After that I topped it with the spicy tomato sauce I got at Fiesta foods and some cheese. I microwaved that and then added some sour cream to the top and served it with a side of jalapeno slices. He really liked it, so another quick meal to add to my list.

I wasn't very hungry after my too big lunch that I only ate half of. So I took the other half of my tuna sandwich and threw away the soggy bread and put it on 2 pieces of toasted bread. Yes, there was that much tuna on half of a sandwich.

I won't win any mother of the year awards for my meals, but it worked. We are all fed, and happy. I really can cook though, as you can see by viewing my recipes at the top of my blog. If you get a chance, sign up for sparkpeople, not just because it's a great weight loss tool, but then you can vote on my recipes. I've found that it's almost impossible for someone browsing sparkrecipes.com to find my recipes because only one is rated. I did discover that if I update the recipe, it will show up on the front page as recently added. That will get me some press.

Why is it important that others see my recipes? Beats me

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