Monday, September 13, 2010

Accidental Garden

Golden Cherry Tomatoes
I planned my garden, I used my mother's day gift card to buy tomatoes, peppers, jalapenos, squash and cucumber, but they looked like they always do.  Wilting.  Then when we got home from our short vacation in Seattle I turned the water on, then fell asleep and forgot all about it.  I expected a high water bill from that night of indiscretion, but what I received was amazing.  My tomatoes really responded to all the water.  I have the nicest tomato plants I've ever grown!  Even now in September, I'm still picking lots of cherry tomatoes.  We're eating them in salsa, salads, and just as a snack.

I have learned one little Tomato Law.  The plants you stake well will not produce.  The plants that end up in between staked plants, will grow abundantly.  Go figure!

Very late jalapenos, hoping the weather holds


Anonymous said...

My Dad planted upside-down tomatoes this year... he says never again. Just as they started to ripen, they rotted. So we have no garden tomatoes for the first year ever. Rats.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Oor tomatoes did really well this year but the rest of the garden not so good.

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