Sunday, August 31, 2008

Clean Sunday Morning

Mo is enjoying a clean couch and his organic maple yogurt.

Yesterday we busted some dust bunnies in our home. (I hope they didn't all move down to see you Jen) Now we have the last 2 days of the long weekend to just enjoy!

We had mom and dad over for barbeque last night. Hamburgers on the grill (chopped jalapeno, onion and cheddar cheese mixed into the beef before making patties), corn on the grill (basted with a seasoned butter while grilling), BBQ Jalapenos, coselaw (mom brought), chips and dip, and blackberry peach pie for dessert. I'd love to show you the pie, but only 2 slices are left. Those are going to Grammy and Papa's today since they are kid sitting while Dana goes to the firing range with his brother and I go to a movie with the girls of the family.

Can you believe this dish was free at a yardsale?

Have a wonderful weekend!


Kelli said...

I love those sunflowers and your bbq sounds delicious! I hope you are having a great long weekend!

j said...

Aw, my dust bunnies are ALWAYS bringing home friends. The more the merrier!!

Everything looked great.
