Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rock Star

Mo came into the kitchen area last night declaring himself a rock star.  I replied, "That's cool."  Then I heard the loud intake of breath from Kaia, followed by a drawn out, "Mom!  Look!"  I looked and saw that Mo had painted his fingernails with my "blood colored" nail polish.  I said, "You did your nails?  Cool." 

Apparently it wasn't cool, as Kaia quickly corrected me, "No mom, LOOK!"  I looked again, and burst out laughing.  Not only had he painted his fingernails, he painted his lips with the blood colored nail polish.  I went to grab the camera before remembering the batteries had died.  So you'll just have to imagine our 3 year old gone goth.
Here is my photoshop version of how he looked.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is too cute! OMG

Anonymous said...

Monster trucks , nail polish and painted lips...oh my!

That's my grandson!!

Gotta love him.
Grandma Owie

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear!!! Life at your place is definitely making the memories!

I have an award for you over at my blog.

Michelle said...

too cute! now just dress him in all black hehehe