Monday, May 26, 2008

What I Did This Weekend

  1. Tripped near the campfire, fell and busted my lip (on Dana's knee)

  2. Caught a small salamander

  3. Took photos of Kaia with the salamander she caught

  4. Caught a green frog

  5. Got muddy

  6. Pet a small snake (very unusual for me, but it was teeny tiny)

  7. Had a great weekend!


j said...

Sorry about your lip. OUCH!!

You touched slippery, slimy crawly things? And there was no money involved?

You are just TOO brave.


Casii said...

Sounds like a blast, busted lip excepted! I thought I caught a small snake, but just turned out to be a monster worm from the garden! :P

Kelli said...

Ooh..sorry to hear about your lip, TJ! My kids would have loved to play with all those fun critters!

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Your kids are cute, and that sounds like a very fun weekend. Except for the busted lip. Ouch!