Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another Dream

I had another travel dream last night, which if you remember from my interpretation post is actually about progress toward goals. For once I see the meaning of my dream. I just hope that real life travel goes better than my dream travel.

Yesterday I scheduled a laproscopic surgery. I'm having a tubal ligation and endo removal. This is all in hopes that I can start living my life without the need for painpills several days per month.
This was a big decision for me for two reasons.
1) Am I really sure that there will be no more kids for me? This has been a decision that has taken me several months to reach. I didn't want more children, but was afraid if I changed my mind in 10 years. Once I realized how obsessively I'm trying to not get pregnant, and how afraid I am of becoming pregnant, and thinking how hard this up all night stuff is at 28 and then trying to imagine it at 38... No my 2 wonderful children are the last I will give birth to.
2) I hate anesthesia. I don't like waking up and being unable to move or communicate when I want. I hate that dream world, where I think I've moved my hand, but realize that I haven't. But I know that I'm an adult and need to make the decision that is best for me, not the one I'm least scared of.

So I've already begun some frozen meal planning to get us through until I'm up for real cooking again (Dana would probably say I don't do too much of that anyway). If you have any great ideas, feel free to share them. I hope to have some meals in the freezer and a clean house. I have exactly 3 weeks to accomplish all of that, and if you've seen my housekeeping skills, you know that it will take me the entire 3 weeks.

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