Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Mo didn't sleep well last night. Our ideas as to why ranged from the steroid in his nebulizer to having played so hard all day he was over-tired. Today he took a nap that lasted over 4 hours!!! Papa had to wake him up. They also said that he really didn't eat a whole lot.

I brought Mo home, who was rather fussy last night and he ate some dinner here. Then Kaia came out to tell me Mo was dawling. I went through several words, until I watched her using her fingers to try and sign what he as doing. I finally figured out it was drooling. A ballooon might as well have popped up over my head that said "Is he getting his 2 year molars?" It's a little early, but the lack of sleep last night, the long nap today, the off eating, and finally drooling could mean some more teeth. Or he could just be keeping us guessing.

The kids all survived yesterday, and if dirty glasses and utensils are any measure for how much fun they had, then I'd say they had the best time of their lives. There wasn't a clean glass or utensil left in the place. Even worse is that half of the glasses were still half to three-quarters full of the original drink. So my dishwasher is full of glasses and utensils, but I need some plates to balance it out!

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