Wednesday, November 14, 2007


At Kelli's blog There is No Place Like Home it's time to celebrate Thanksgiving by sharing tips, memories, recipes, or what we are thankful for. Note: I had hoped to use her pretty picture link, but I'm just not smart enough. Anyone care to share with me how to use it? Update: Apparently I hit everything but save as while trying to save the photo. Thanks for the tip, "Mommy"!

I may not have many excellent recipes, and you can all guess that cleaning tips are lacking at my place. However, Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday! Just like Christmas it is a time to come together, but without all the hype. There isn't the expectations of giving and getting. Thanksgiving is all about just being together and being thankful for our blessings.

Thanksgiving also happens to occur during Autumn, my favorite time of year. I love the look of the trees and the cool crisp air. The smell of apples and woodsmoke in the air. I'm thankful I live where there is an Autumn (November in Malibu just wasn't the same).

This year I'm most thankful for my family. Morgan is home and healthy. I didn't believe for a moment that he wouldn't come home from the hospital, yet that sudden realization of how precious his life is to me was really a wake up call. It also made Kaia and Dana that much more precious. Sure last night she had a screaming fit when she was told that she could not stand in front of the TV during Dana's favorite show just to change into her nightgown. I just took a breath and remembered she was tired from a busy day, and what she really wanted was attention and sleep. I put Mo to bed and cuddled with her while she quickly dropped right into dreamland.

Our plans for next week aren't set in stone yet, but I can't wait.


Mommy said...

Thanks for sharing that. Yes Thanksgiving is fun without all the stress and hype of Christmas!

To do a "pretty" picture like you asked, right click on the picure you want. A menu will pop up, and then click on "Save As" which will allow you to save the picture in a file on your computer.

I have a special file just for blogging "pretty" pictures.

Once it is in your file, then you go just upload it using blogger from that file. I hope this makes sense.

Have a wonderful day! :)

Kelli said...

Thank you for sharing the many things that you are thankful for. What wonderful blessings!