Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Unfortunately I'm not talking about the weather, but my health. This weekend found me feeling very ill. I actually took a nap on Saturday, which is extremely rare. I used to work the 3 a.m. shift at the bakery, and only on occasion napped. I did get the kitchen cleaned up. Not perfect, but I took apart my stove top and thoroughly scrubbed it. Saturday night was the bowling party, and we almost did not have babysitting. I called my cousin though, and she came through and had the kids for a few hours. The party was fun, my bowling was awful.

Sunday morning I taught Sunday School. Well maybe I didn't quite teach, it was more like managing the chaos. But when they all make it through class with their 3 coins and know what the story was I call it a success.

Yesterday I stayed home and rested. I'm learning though that when I call in sick to work, something bad happens at work. In August it was a flood, yesterday it was 2 broken windows and a stolen computer.

The facial was wonderful and I will definitely save up for another. For now, I'm going to try and get some work done. I'll try to post later on our Christmas Eve planning.

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